Freedom is a type of nectar that everyone enjoys, and everyone needs it. Freedom is in life means just like food with taste. In our day to day life, we don't want to live in prisoned life because we have the habit of living in freedom. But in the year 2020, This year is the worst year of anyone's life. Some of them enjoyed this life, but some of them are not enjoying life because the person who lives busy in their whole day got relaxed session due to the condition of COVID-19 (Corona Virus). But some people who earn by their daily work or earn by daily labor. They are unable to fill their stomach. That is another part of freedom.
In this session of lockdown, all the people felt the importance of freedom because due to no work and watching TV full day make their life no sense, and then they realized the meaning of freedom. Freedom actually plays an essential role in our lives, and another part is that when a person performs any action again and again, then he/she become bored, and then he wants to change his lifestyle. He/she requires some change or some liberty to explore the content of life. That is the specialty of freedom.
Let us consider the example of the lockdown of the coronavirus. I saw a picture showing the birds are flying in the sky where the humans were sat in the cage. This picture told lots of things. Because from the past few years, we saw birds in the cage, and humans were enjoying freedom. In the situation of the coronavirus, all peoples are just doing their work at home, and some of them are doing only time pass, and the birds are enjoying life. The best part of this freedom is, it doesn't remain the same. So if you have freedom then enjoy it. before you lose it. In India, we know the importance of freedom. As well our freedom fighter knows the importance of freedom.
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