The essential thing in the world is to make a person more matured than previously. Actually, this word relates to the stage of person and the level of maturity. If a person has some responsibility depends on his/her age. Then the child present in his/her mind gets destroyed or suppressed. This responsibility actually changes a person wholly or partially.
Let us consider an example of ourselves. When we are at age between 1 to 10, then we do only fun and enjoyment with some of the studies. After some time, we enter a new environment that is at the primary school level. There, our teacher tells us why we come to school. That is the different thing that we do not agree to go to school. But after going to school, we know the importance of school. Sometimes it takes time to understand, but we definitely appreciate that.
But when we are a child we don't know that such things will happen in our life. When we start our journey from school to college, the degree to the job and other we learn. As we grow up time by time, then we learn new things, and finally, when we got the job, then the actual game starts. When we are a child, our parents take responsibility for ourself. But when we begin to earn, then we have the responsibility of parents, wives, and children.
It is more important to become responsible before handling the responsibility. Because it is not a game that we undo at any time. If we take any responsibility, then try to accomplish it to make yourself more mature and practical.
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